
Rolling Over

Last week, Nolan decided he wanted to roll over. At first, I was skeptical since he would not roll over for me. Brylee did back up her Mama's claim. But he finally rolled over for me too and now we even have it on video - so I guess Julie was telling the truth after all.

Chewing on his toy

They have the poor kid in a pink toy stroller
He seems to be happy about it as well.

Brylee reading Nolan a book

Thought he looked lonely

What did you say?

Making a funny face at Nolan

And he liked it

She decided to pull up a chair to watch him

Zonked out


Trip to Pigeon Forge

Last weekend, Julie, Brylee, Nolan, and I went to Pigeon Forge and stayed until Tuesday. We had a great time. Brylee especially liked all of the rides. She rode a lot of them by herself as you can see in the pictures. I really didn't think she would like most of them - but I was wrong. She loved them and didn't want to stop riding them.

Nolan was so proud of his big sister

Riding the swings

About to go way up high

Can you find Brylee?

Riding the boat

Riding the horse

The next Danica Patrick

Although she can't see over the steering wheel

Riding the big dinosaur

She wanted to ride in the orange and white one


Tired after a long day of watching sister

And Brylee was pooped too


2 Years Old

Well, Brylee is growing up on us. She turned 2 on Halloween and wanted an Ariel birthday cake.

Peaking at her cake

She loved her Ariel plates

Wanting her Mommy to help her open the presents

A little horse ride with Tyler

She gave out big hugs for her presents

Blowing out her candles

Time to eat

She is pretty intimidating on her Tinker Bell tricycle

Playing with her new kitchen

Reaction to seeing her Dora cake
I know we spoil Brylee just a little but but she actually had 2 cakes. She had her big Ariel cake before opening her presents on Thursday but she also had a small, personal-size, Dora cake when we were in Pigeon Forge on her birthday. Here is her reaction when she saw the Dora cake.



Brylee loved the jack-o-lantern that her Pappy made for her. She wanted to turn it on every night and had to say goodnight to it before she went to bed.

Making Some Halloween Treats

Dipping the ghost in the white chocolate

Of course she had to have a taste

What a cute smile

Fall Festival

Brylee playing some games at the fall festival. Isn't she a cute butterfly? Here she is picking some ducks.

Playing Tic Tac Toe

Showing off her belly for some reason