

Brylee at about 2 minutes old

Brylee was born at 11:12 AM on October 31, 2007. That's right.....a Halloween baby. The day began with me (Mark) waking up at around 12:15 AM. I felt a little wetness on my pants and was thinking, oh no, I wet my pants....how embarrassing. At this point, I really was hoping I was dreaming. Then, I noticed that Julie was no longer laying beside me. Not only that, I noticed that our once normal mattress had become a water bed and the entire bed was soaked. Well, I put 2 and 2 together and noticed that Julie was in the bathroom. She came out soon after that and off we went to the hospital. I didn't feel quite as dumb thinking that I wet the bed when I found out Julie had the same thoughts that she may have we the bed.

We arrived at the ER around 1:30 and we immediately went up-stairs to Labor and Delivery. I was kicked out of the room while Julie got changed and checked. She was at 3 cm and 90% effaced at that time. The labor progressed and at 4 AM she was dilated to 4 cm. At around 6 AM, Julie got tired of the contractions and asked for the epidural. By 7 AM, she was up to 7 cm. At 9 AM, she was up to 9 cm. She started pushing at around 10:40 and little Brylee made her debut at 11:12 AM.

Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz
Length: 19 1/2 inches

Weighing in at 6 lb 11 oz

Brylee with her Mama

And with Daddy

She doesn't appear to be camera shy

Pretty girl resting after a rough day


Week 37

Julie and Brylee at 37 weeks, 4 days

Two weeks until Brylee is due.....Julie is still holding up well. Brylee still likes to roll around even though there is not much room anymore for her. Julie goes back to the doctor on Thursday so I will keep the blog updated. Julie feels like a big ole' cow.....so I call her Bessie. Is that mean? Just kidding.

Pink, pink, pink....with a touch of green

The crib...and the giraffe...are ready for Brylee

The Hippo is ready to watch Brylee sleep

The room is complete...all it is missing is Brylee

The bouncy seat is awaiting the arrival

The picture frames and photo albums are ready to be filled

The cradle and the rabbit are ready

The playpen awaits her in our bedroom

High chair where Brylee will learn to eat like her Mama

Of course our stroller has to have some orange on it


Baby Update

Julie went to the doctor yesterday and he says everything is looking good. He also said not to expect an early appearance from Brylee and that she probably will be late. Hmm....maybe we will have a Thanksgiving baby after all. I am sure Julie would love to carry Brylee an extra week or two. She goes back for her next visit on Thursday, so I will try to keep everyone posted.


Week 36

Here is Julie and Bryee at 36 weeks, 4 days

It is hard to believe that Brylee is due in just 3 weeks! As you can tell from the picture, she seems to be getting bigger. I just have a feeling that she is going to take after her Mama in her love for food. Brylee continues to roll around and stick her feet out as far as she can. I know when Julie has pains, it is usually Brylee kicking out her feet as far as she can. But, everything is still going well.


Week 35

Julie and Brylee at 35 weeks, 4 days

We have reached the final month and everything seems to be in place for when Brylee arrives. We have everything put together and most things are in its place. We are hoping that we have a winter this year since our blanket count is up to 3,892 (or something like that). Julie has finally taken her early retirement and was sleeping in this morning when I left for work.


Week 34

Here is Julie and Brylee at 34 weeks, 4 days

Brylee's due date is only 37 days away. She is a very active little thing. Julie is still feeling well and is looking forward to her early retirement on Wednesday.

More gifts for Brylee

Brylee's second shower was a success. I have never seen so many baby gifts....and so much pink! There is definitely going to be plenty of things to keep us busy until Brylee gets here. Have ya'll seen the pictures of her nursery? Lets just say, very tiny room and lots and lots of things that need to go in it.

Brylee improves to 3-0

In a must-win game for the Vols, Brylee pulled them through to victory....at least that is the way we like to think of it. Even the couple that sits next to us wanted us to go to Starkville this weekend to keep the trend going. Julie was a trooper, battling the hills of UT and the 90 degree weather.


33 Weeks

Here is Julie and Brylee at 33 Weeks, 4 Days

Well, we have 6 weeks and 2 days to go until Brylee is due. As you can tell, Brylee has really seemed to blossom over the last few weeks. Brylee will only be attending one more UT game this season, so we hope she improves her record to 3-0.

We finally have something on one of the walls

Well after much deliberation and wasted paint, Julie decided she liked Brylee's letters on the walls better just white rather than with pink and green dots on them. So, up they went.

New undershirts with monogramming!

The 6 long years with no new undershirts has come to an end. I now even have one monogrammed!